#7 Things are changing continually

Once a teacher said to me: "Try not to worry about anything. Life is long and things are changing continually." Few years ago, I would not understand. How can I not worry if there are bills to pay and I am not doing well on my job? How can I not worry when I am sick and I don't know when or if I will get better? How can I not worry when I don't know how things are going to turn out? Today I understand better. It works pretty easily and it can save us trouble. How, then? (more…)...
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#6 The world seems how we see it

Just recently, I spoke with a colleague at work about a town we both live in. She said she didn't like to walk around as there are strange people and even the town seems odd to her when walking down the main road. To some extent and from some point of view, one could agree to that using some objective criteria. But I never thought of it that way. How is that possible? (more…)...
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