Growth Thinking

Training brings practical tools and strategies for increasing the effectiveness of one’s development. You will learn how to develop more quickly and more efficiently.

You will learn about newest scientific discoveries connected with acquistion of new skills and knowledge. You will also hear about the growth mindset concept and how to cultivate it. You will discover what is a ’10 000 hours rule’ and how to use deliberate practice to develop most efficiently. They will acquire growth-oriented feedback skills.


Usual duration: 2 to 4 hours (based on a required depth of the Growth Mind concept)

If necessary, we can adjust the duration and content to your actual needs.


Available both offline and online.

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Creative Thinking

On the course, you will learn and try out tools to develop your own creativity and overcome barriers to creative thinking. We will discuss how to recognize and develop personal creative strengths and work with mistakes as tools to improve our creations. We’ll talk about how to streamline the creative process from vision to idea incubation to execution and how to work effectively with feedback and look for trends to bring ideas to life quickly.

Length: 2 to 4 hours

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In this course, you will learn how to discover and strengthen your internal sources of motivation. We’ll look at why even the best motivational images on the internet don’t motivate us to achieve our goals. We’ll look at strategies for setting clear and meaningful goals, and how to use those goals to drive your daily motivation. Together, we will explore ways to identify and overcome obstacles that prevent you from accomplishing your tasks and how to overcome procrastination.

Length: 2 hours

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Efficiency at Work

In this course, you will learn techniques and tools to help you maximize your efficiency and productivity and achieve better results in less time. You will learn how to properly prioritize tasks and how to combat procrastination. We’ll cover how to manage multiple things at once and whether it’s even possible, as well as how to not get too overwhelmed by stress in our quest to be efficient. We’ll also discuss how to use breaks properly so that your energy is restored and your work goes even better.

Length: 2 hours

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Working Remotely

In this course, we will focus on proven methods and tools for working effectively from home or other remote locations. Together we will explore how to set up an optimal work environment, streamline communication with your remote team, and create a routine that supports productivity and maintains work-life balance. We’ll also discuss tools and apps to help you better organize and collaborate with colleagues, even when you’re not in the same physical space.

Length: 2 hours

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